Join avixar at CES Las Vegas

We are excited to announce that we will be part of CES Las Vegas from January 5-8! We’re bringing the latest in Driver and Occupant Monitoring Systems to the floor. It’s all about combining the smarts of artificial intelligence with the critical need for driver and passenger safety – and we think you’re going to love it.

Safety is at the heart of driving, and we’re all about making it smarter and more responsive. Our new systems keep an eye on the driver as much as the road, ensuring everyone in the car is safe.

Come find us at booth 6579 in the Tech East, LVCC, West Hall. We’ll be ready to show you through live demos how our tech can make a difference in your everyday drive. It’s going to be interactive, informative, and fun!

If you’re curious about the latest trends in AI and vehicle safety, our booth is the place to be. We’ve got some groundbreaking stuff to show you that’s sure to spark your interest.

Stay tuned with us on social media or visit our website for all the updates you need. Looking forward to meeting you at CES!

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